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دانلود آهنگ Sleep Walkers از Draconian

دانلود آهنگ Sleep Walkers از Draconian
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Draconian – Sleep Walkers

دانلود آهنگ Sleep Walkers از Draconian

متن آهنگ

We’re sleepwalking
Piercing, hateful eyes are watching
We’re sleepwalking
The hungry ghosts are never patient
Look at Me
Oh, wretched Creator
This is what I’ve become
Come into the fray
For everything we’ve become
in this cell we call home
Lost in this iron-clad song
We’re sleepwalking
backwards to where it all began
Our minds are locked
where black stars hang
Look at Me
Oh, paralyzed savior
and the darkening of souls
Come into the fray
For everything we’ve become
in this cell we call home
Lost in this iron-clad song
We came into the light
to surrender our hearts
as we cry for salvation
Hopeless, unaware
I’m gone and I’m sleepwalking
Nothing but rattling chains
I’m naked and I’m sleepwalking
Look at You
An accuser made God
How far you have fallen
Come into the fray
For everything we’ve become
in this cell we call home
Lost in this iron-clad song
We came to the dark
to remember our hearts
as we fight for salvation

دانلود آهنگ Draconian به نام Sleep Walkers

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